Monday, December 22, 2008

City sledding

A baking sheet and an oven. These are two items that go together, right? This is not the case for our smaller-than-normal oven. Alas, our baking sheet does not fit inside (our cookies are destined to bake inside loaf pans or baking dishes for now). We have found a more suitable use for our baking sheet: sledding.

Check out the wonder that is sailing down a street on a baking sheet. There was quite a sledding crowd on the street next to ours and I saw another baking sheet in use. We also saw cardboard boxes, real sleds, a snowboard, and a laundry basket.

We thought about walking over to Gas Works to sled, but that would've been a long hike and our hill seemed a good alternative. The downside to sledding down city streets are the cars, and I already got an e-mail from a co-worker informing us that his daughter and her friend were hit by a car while sledding down a nearby street (his daughter escaped unharmed but her friend was less fortunate and will need surgery). So be careful people and watch for headlights. This isn't Frogger, this is real life.

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